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Nowadays, I'm honestly not sure where I stand with Born of Osiris. Over a decade ago, they released The New Reign EP, which I...

Twenty Nine-Scene

Hot Damn! was great, is still great, and will always be great.

Black Friday

"I spent a portion of September in Siberia in the midst of the recording. I had the field recorder with me, but I didn’t...

Latest News

Over It All - a new band or a new video project?


Spoiler Alert: Because weed, that's why.

Tech-Death Tuesday

Hey there tech fiends, it's that time of the week again. Before we dive into today's focus, here's the usual reminder that if you're...


Soilwork has stood the tests of time and turmoil to create something that fans are almost guaranteed to enjoy.


For Gambit, 2019 yields a new Crowhurst album, a new musical project, and an appearance at Roadburn... and that's just the beginning.


Powerful orthodox black metal with a potent vision. What's not to love?

Show Recap

There is always so much pressure to have a great New Years Eve. To many, it's a marker for how the rest of the...

Upcoming Releases

"It’s as heavy as I’ve heard us in a while."

Black Friday

The human condition is something highly variable and often volatile. It's a constant state of flux and it differs between each person afflicted with...


Never has a band ever more truly lived by the mantra of "Play fast or die" than Bandit on Warsaw. Get in here for...