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Bummer Alert

At least the public spat settled settled some tensions.

Best of 2018

This article will mark the fourth time I've created a "Top 20 Albums of the Year" piece and after glossing over my previous lists...

Best of 2018

Metal Injection's stoner doom aficionado breaks down his favorite albums of 2018!


I discovered Exist about a year ago when they released their So True, So Bound LP. I was so blown away by the experimental...


Avant garde death metal from the crypt, this is some truly fucked up music.

Tour Dates

It's a 25th anniversary celebration!

Celebrity Metalheads

Fred Armisen may have not been a death metal fan before that show, but he sure as hell might be one now.

Metal Merch

Heavy metal gifts and presents that metal and rock fans will enjoy this Christmas and Hanukkah.

Fuck Yes!

Now that winter is fast approaching, blacken your holiday season with Grim Christmas, a one-man black metal project helmed by Colorado multi-instrumentalist Jon Lervold....


Yeah, we know… Japan's Sigh are not Norwegian. We get it. For the purposes of this very special instalment of This Is Armageddon! you'd...


We visit a tale of revenge told with complex characterization and harrowing imagery the likes of which H. R. Geiger and M. C. Escher would...

Show Recap

If you've seen some of the unmasked interviews with Ghost mastermind Tobias Forge, sometimes he is asked if he prefers the more intimate venues...

Best of 2018

The year of 2018 was rough, like sandpaper fellatio in the Sahara, but there was some incredible albums to listen to, so let’s talk...

Upcoming Releases

"To jump to that burning question: 'When's the record coming out?' I appreciate it, I appreciate it."


Avant rock at its finest, Jarboe continues to embrace 35 years into her career.

Injection Reflection

Holy crap, the month is half over!! Christmas is right around the corner and this is right around the time news starts slowing down....

br00tal Comedy

I thought I'd get sick of these Metal Trump videos but something about seeing Trump saying "The sky is turning red / Return to...

Best of 2018

Metal Injection's review editor and Black Friday columnist breaks down his favorite albums of the year.