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The DILLINGER ESCAPE PLAN's Ben Weinman is not just a guitar god, he's also an entrepreneur and a pet lover. So naturally, he put...

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Anybody with a remotely passing interest in metal can remember that day in December 2004 when Dimebag Darrell Abbott was gunned down in Ohio....


15 years after their last studio release, a famously elusive metal metal band with an enormously influential debut has followed up. That's right, boys...

Latest News

It's time for an all new episode of our video podcast, The FiX. On this edition, the King of Metal, Dave Hill, hosts a...

Back in the Day

At first listen, it's hard to justify why Body Count's self-titled debut is so enjoyable. There are plenty of better punk, hard rock and...

Upcoming Releases

Tomorrow's new albums arrive on Veterans Day, giving you a chance to get incensed over years of sending our bravest into battle before blowing...

Ask Me...I'm Right

That stud machine of a man on the right is me, Greg Weeks, and I’m the bassist of the Red Chord. Want to ask...


Whether you realize it and whether you want it to be, election day might be the most crucial moment you'll ever have as a...

Upcoming Releases

This year, Halloween fell on a weekend–and as usual, some of the world's more horror-savvy metal bands released new music the week of All...


Amon Amarth – Guardians Of Asgaard Armored Saint – Spineless Mindfunk – 11 Ton Butterfly Metal Church – The Perfect Crime Metal Church –...


Axl Rosenberg over at MetalSucks posted an awesome review of GOJIRA's new release, The Way Of All Flesh. I could write about my feelings...

Upcoming Releases

Old school hard rock fans are in for a treat this week with the latest comeback albums from some '80s-rock holdovers. Godhead – At...

Tour Dates

After unexpectedly dropping off last month's Opeth/High On Fire tour, psychedelic black metallers Nachtmystium are gearing up for a short U.S. tour with Portland's...

METAL Injection

Another week, another round of awesome videos. Here are a bunch of videos we uploaded this week (most of which were uploaded today)… Earlier...

Video Premiere

Click here to watch the world premiere of "Murder" METAL Injection has the exclusive world premiere of the new video from HORSE THE BAND...

Attention, Stoners:

Instead of posting a half dozen bite-size stories about the latest news from the doom/sludge underground, I decided to compile it all into one...

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RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE was scheduled to make their first performance in Minnesota since their hiatus tonight at the Target Center, but they surprised...

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AGE ETERNAL (formerly MIDDIAN) have disbanded. Originally formed in 2005 by Mike Scheidt after Yob's breakup, Middian released their one and only album, Age...

METAL Injection

We haven't done one of these roundups in a while. So here's what you may have missed if you haven't checked out the video...

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While no well-versed metalhead would ever consider the ambient sounds of SPYLACOPA to be "metal" by any stretch of the imagination, there are good...

In the News

Norwegian black(ish?) metallers SATYRICON have issued the following update on their new album, due out November 3rd via grimmest-ov-the-grim label Roadrunner Records: "We have...

Revelations of Doom

I'm sure those of you who actually bother to read the itty-bitty tags sprinkled across these pages are wondering,"Who the fuck is Grim Kim,...

Latest News

Headbangers Blog had the chance to sit down with BLEEDING THROUGH vocalist Brandon Schieppati for an audio interview during an off-date of their current...