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2014 needed a little more crustiness anyway.


On our 10th anniversary, we figured why not give the site and logo a fresh coat of paint.

Metal Merch

It's a well-known fact that AMC's The Walking Dead is a great show. There's interpersonal struggles, danger, horror and surprisingly not a huge overuse...

Around the Interwebs

We've featured some pretty brutal cakes on Metal Injection before because we recognize your need for fod that can be considered metal. However, this...


Finally, we get to hear what former Killswitch Engage vocalist Howard Jones' new band sounds like, and SPOILER…it sounds fucking awesome!

Latest News

Hate Eternal have gone from drum machine Derek Roddy to Jade Simonetto, and now they'll need to start again. While that does suck quite a...


We are super pumped to have a presence at the New York Comic Con this year, as we'll be sharing a booth with our...


Here we go again. Weeks after Machine Head's Robb Flynn "jokingly" called out Avenged Sevenfold, which Avenged frontman M. Shadows was not too offended by,...

Decibel's Clips of the Month

Every month, Decibel scribe Shane Mehling reviews the four videos that appear in the monthly metal mag. under “Decibel’s Clips of the Month at...

Latest News

Sylosis crashed their RV a few days ago, and are slowly recuperating. With recuperation comes bills, lots of bills. The band is asking for...


We here at Metal Injection are super pumped to announce that we will have a presence at the New York Comic Con this year,...


Hey look, it's another Hail of Bullets song from their upcoming record III: The Rommel Chronicles! It's also as good as the first single...


Fates Warning have been the rock on which heavier progressive music was founded since their inception in 1982, and show no signs of slowing...

Upcoming Releases

Lamb of God's sophmore album, As The Palaces Burn holds a very special place in my heart. It makes my heart feel much older...

Around the Interwebs

Every time I see my mother nowadays, she has to ask at least once "when are you going to give me grandkids?" Damn it,...

Latest News

Chino Moreno has been a busy man the past few years, and obviously shows no signs of stopping. Moreno's latest endeavor ††† (pronounced Crosses,...


This better not be true, but there are some serious signs pointing to the fact that Devourment might be in some trouble right now…...

Upcoming Releases

Opeth split their fan base pretty heavily when it came to their last album, Heritage, and while they show no signs of stopping with...


Hatesphere have been killing it since 1998 and show zero signs of stopping with their new single "Murderlust," off their upcoming album of the...

Upcoming Releases

It looks like Avenged Sevenfold is taking album marketing to the next level for their upcoming release Hail To The King. Today, frontman M....

It's Just Business

The last we heard of former Roadrunner Records president Jonas Nachsin, he was stepping down from his post back in November. After being off the...

Latest News

Metal icon Max Cavalara is a non-stop metal machine. His band, Soulfly has been going, pretty much non-stop since 1999 and he's showing no...


We are so very excited to finally unveil two new designs available RIGHT NOW in our merch store! First up, we have a new...