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Search results for "Jason"

Bands and Booze

I'm not a big beer drinker myself, but the new booze collaboration between Armored Saint and Metal Monkey Brewing (Illinois) sounds way too good...

Upcoming Releases

"New management, new line up, new label, new record, new Exhorder!"

Earnings & Attendance

Do they just have a money printing press at HQ at this point?


"Hurricane Nita" lives up to her nickname here...

Full Album Stream

Hey there tech fiends, it's that time of the week again. Before we dive into today's focus, here's the usual reminder that if you're...


All That Remains is back—and in a big way. The Massachusetts natives are about to release their ninth studio album called Victim of the...

The Obituarist

Hello everyone! Happy Halloween! It’s been a while. I am back from a shallow grave and trying to play catch up on ton of...

Celebrity Metalheads

Lindsay has great taste in metal, or at least her stylist does.

In The Studio

"And the new release will probably be in February."

Weekly Injection

This edition features lots of collaborations, a three year album gap, a four year album gap, a five year album gap, and more! To...

In The Studio

They're in the studio with Jason Suecof.


Everything from Artificial Brain, Dødheimsgard and Suffocation to Black Sabbath, Nevermore, and Steve Vai.

New Music

"Ode To Bedlam" is a massive, swaggering industrial track that will probably blow your headphones or speakers right the hell out.

Song Premiere

Tech death metal seems to take many forms, just ask Austin Weber, our tech death expert. Bands can take many avenues within the genre's...


As the title of this throw-back post suggests, you are about to be treated to a flashback-inducing look at old-school guitar and bass adverts,...

Music Videos

Deicide look to recapture their old-school sound with their new album, Overtures of Blasphemy, and I think producer Jason Suecof really nailed the old-school Florida death...


“I am going to sing for you. A little off key, perhaps, but I will sing. I will sing while you croak. I will...