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She leaves behind two young children.

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Today is a big day for Slipknot fans. After years of waiting and teasing and lawsuits, the band is finally band with a new...

At The Movies

So I guess it's safe to assume that the one industry shadier than the music industry is the film industry.

Shocking Revelations

"Those bands are terrible, they didn’t even know how to play their instruments."

New Music

"Nightmares" is a slow-burner of a track, beginning with a subdued riff and drum groove that opens up more as the intense chorus comes...

Fuck Yes!

Hell yeah, Corey Taylor.


From Shillong in India, Plague Throat have been establishing their name as one of the main death metal acts in the country. I enjoyed...

Metal Crimes

This story just gets weirder and weirder.


Animals as Leaders drummer Matt Garstka talks about his history with the group, the logistics of the upcoming 10th Anniversary tour, plans for the...


Metal Injection’s head babysitter, Rob Pasbani and I both agree that Sweden’s Martyrdöd is a little-known band. His metric has something to do with...