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Search results for "Pig"

The Obituarist

Howdy nerds, The Black Dahlia Murder’s Trevor Strnad as The Obituarist here.  Your favorite hunter of all things underground, hellbent on bringing you some skull cracking...

The Monday Grind

It’s Monday and Mondays suck, so let’s grind it out with Iron Lung’s Sexless//No Sex.

Gear Gods

What will the internet think of next? Drummer Cameron Fleury, who you may remember as the guy who covered Metallica's "Frantic" on a trash can...


This New Jersey band's debut is much more than a complex piece of rigidly structured virtuosity.


"We lost to Jack Black and Tenacious D. That was a bit of a kick in the balls, because they're a comedy duo."

New Music

Sounds like the bastard child of Mr. Bungle and Pig Destroyer with a dash of extra weirdness

Dank Slams

Indulge us, if you will. The set-up: Saturday afternoon, somewhere in buttfuck middle-America. The scene: you and your slack-jawed Uncle Boffo are mindlessly ambling...

New Music

There's something very "War Pigs" about this track.

Tour Dates

Plus High On Fire, The Hellacopters, Red Fang, CKY, Boris, Goblin, Mutoid Man, Dopethrone, and a TON more!

Upcoming Releases

The chances of hearing new Tool music in 2018 seem better and better.

Funeral Doom Friday

Stream a brand new song from this Czechia quintet's upcoming album now!

The Monday Grind

It’s Monday and Mondays suck, so let’s grind it out with The Human Race is Filth’s Human Exposed.


2018 has so much awesome stuff coming out it's kind of ridiculous.


Big releases from bands like Metallica, Slipknot, Meshuggah and Opeth, a return to form from Testament, who were rejoined by Alex Skolnick, an amazing...

Best of 2017

Hundreds of acts, narrowed down to the best 18