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by: Frank Godla Click Here To Watch The Video I've never really felt as though our interviews needed a preface before, however this interview...

It's Just Business

Well this is news to me. Limewire sitll exists! Well, I guess I should say existed. A court injunction has forced the company to...


By: Navjot Kaur Sobti Let’s be forthright. When I think “Hostility,” I think: Pantera. Hardcore. Pounding fists, and uncontrollable fits of vulgar, unrestrained rage....

Show Recap

Our British correspondent (yea, we got one of those) Nina Saeidi attended Sonisphere UK last weekend, and it took her a few days to...

Kids Today

Well, I never thought I'd see this. We've seen our hefty share of crazy in the moshpit over the years, but that's nothing compared...

Latest News

Looks like Slipknot may continue after all. At the Revolver Golden Gods Awards a few months ago, we had the chance to speak to...


[youtube]PZcgUEkBIX0[/youtube] American news outlets never cease to disappoint me. Parents: here is the new phenomena that your kids probably didn't know about until reading...


[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VZKjNhxw_4A[/youtube] Above you will find a teaser for the new Behemoth video "Alas The Lord Is Upon Me" off their latest release, Evangelion. The...


Knowing I was about to go see the Melvins for the first time and ISIS for the last time, I knew I had to...


If you are seeing this message, you are visiting Metal Injection on our fancy new server. You may have noticed over the last few...


Varg Vikernes is a controversial figure. The man who went to prison for infamously murdering his Mayhem bandmate, Euronymous, was released this year and...

Latest News

SLIPKNOT is currently on hiatus, and drummer Joey Jordison is clearly not content with just sitting at home and collecting a royalty check. We...


by: Shannon Joy Italian metal band, THE SECRET, have inked a deal with Southern Lord (Pelican, Saint Vitus).  Label owner, Greg Anderson, posted the...

Latest News

Frank hosts this edition of The FiX, and he made sure that most of the videos he picked were ones you guys have never...


By Ben Apatoff ROB ZOMBIE is one of the most creative frontmen in contemporary metal. Sonically and visually, he's reshaped alterna-metal and rock radio...


By Ben Apatoff If Scenes from Hell is any indication, Beelzebub's lair is not pretty. Choked-sounding saxophones squeal for help, announcing the arrival of...

Fuck Yes!

France's GOROD, who put out one of my favorite albums of 2009 are heading back into the studio to record a new EP. I...

Latest News

As we mentioned on last week's Livecast, we decided to take a trip out into the Mojave desert. While there, we thought it was...

Best of 2009

by Robert Pasbani Here at Metal Injection, seeing as though we are a video site we come across a helluva lot of music videos,...


Awesome! Our bronuts at MetalSucks are currently streaming a new track from THE DEVIN TOWNSEAD PROJECT called "Universe In A Ball." If you are...

Latest News

By Ben Apatoff Not that it needed a video to dismantle your senses, but the title track from CONVERGE's mind-numbingly amazing new album is...

Quick Bits

Noisecreep has posted the title track from THE DEVIN TOWNSEND PROJECT's new CD, Addicted. It's like the heaviest sounding pop song you will ever...

Around the Interwebs

I was paroosing AbsolutePunk's list of Best/Worst Merch at Warped 2009 and they rightfully awarded the above shirt by hardcore label Bridge 9 Records...