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Breakups & Shakeups

Sabaton has not yet named a replacement for Johansson.

Tour Dates

Prepare yourselves, Brooklyn.

It's Just Business

It's about 1,500 jobs gone.

Latest News

Gonna be an exciting summer run for the new vocalist.

Latest News

There's scorching irony in such a convincing argument.

Latest News

You can start asking about a new record soon.


Featuring Mr. Bungle, Ghost, Devin Townsend, Deicide, and more!

Kids In Metal

The family that crowdsurfs together...

Live Footage

Featuring a Them Crooked Vulture reunion, some Rush music, and of course Foo Fighters!

Live Footage

Right before the release of World Demise.

Breakups & Shakeups

Anubis will re-focus her efforts on her other band.

Best of 2021

What a year. Truthfully, I didn't even want to rank these, but tradition is tradition. I started with a long list of 35 records...

Best of 2021

2021 was a great year for metal. It feels like we say that every year at Metal Injection, but this year felt different. With...

Best of 2021

As with most years, my favorite albums of 2021 comprise metal and non-metal releases. Likewise, my picks in both cases are from household names...


Guitarist Tony Iommi and drummer Bill Ward first appeared at Ozzy Osbourne’s doorstep in 1968. The pair arrived in response to an old “Ozzy Zig Needs a Gig” advertisement that had lingered even...

Best of 2020

2020 was the most painful year of my life, but these albums made it bearable as my 15 most listened to of the year....

Best of 2020

10. KILLER BE KILLEDReluctant HeroNuclear Blast Records One of those rare supergroups that actually deserves the name. You can definitely hear the contributions from...

Best of 2020

This is the point of the year where I usually make a joke about the hits and misses, what bands are underrated and which...

Best of 2020

My favorite metal albums of 2020 are a mix of always reliable heavy hitters and remarkable up-and-comers who absolutely deserve more attention.