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Injection Reflection

Prank calls, nu-metalcore hybrids and more.

Tour Dates

Proving that they never stop, Eyehategod has announced yet another US tour.


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Injection Reflection

Take a look back at this week's biggest stories.


GWAR were undoubtably one of the most famous metal acts in the world, if not in sales, in pop culture relevance. With the sad...


I'll just come out and say it: The Oath is a nearly picture-perfect, no nonsense heavy metal album. On their debut album, The Oath...


Last year, members of Lamb of God, Slayer and Meshuggah shared what metal meant to them at the Copenhell fest, and this year, the fest organizers...


Phil jams with errrrybody!

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Plus a tour of Phil Anselmo's house!

Gear Gods

So many awesome Pantera and Slayer songs covered


Members of Pantera, Slayer, Testament, Anthrax, Megadeth and more will be in the house jamming on the classics!

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Look at all that stuff you could win from Gear Gods!

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This might be Amazon's biggest hard rock and metal sale yet.

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This is what Down looks like circa 2014

Latest News

There's definitely a shitty "these are not the droids you're looking for" joke in here somewhere...

Best of 2013

It's been a crazy year for metal, but rather than the usual break-up drama, this year was filled with arrests, drug busts and some...

Best of 2013

What do we consider a viral video? A video which isn't necessarily a music video, usually created by a fan, and either makes us...

Best of 2013

As 2013 wanes into the cold beginnings of 2014, it's time to look back on the records that shaped the past year in extreme...


Trent Reznor is sure giving Dave Grohl a run for his money as the coolest motherfucker in rock. Case in point: at a Nine...


Ohio's gore metal pioneers Necrophagia have a long, storied, and complicated career in the death metal underground. The band has existed in various incarnations for...


Twelve Foot Ninja are wrapping up their first US tour with Periphery, Born of Osiris and Dead Letter Circus, and we asked guitarist Stevic...

Injection Reflection

I'm completely over this week and I'm looking forward to spending the entire weekend doing massive bong rips. How are you spending the weekend?...