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If you're not excited for some new Job for a Cowboy after hearing this, I just don't know anymore.

Latest News

Don't call it a comeback... okay, maybe it's a bit of a comeback.

Best of 2013

Hails and greetings from the world of MSRcast. This is one of your hosts, Cary G, the artist formerly known as Evil C. I...


Oh, millennials and their drama. A new feud has broken out between buzzed-about rapper Tyler The Creator and Bring Me The Horizon frontman Oli...

Open Metacast

Rushing to get this episode out the door because the night I normally have to get the episode put together will be full of...


There's nothing quite like an album that's pissed off. An album that is so dead set to kill that the first strikes of its...


After The Burial have been notoriously silent about their upcoming record save for a few solid bootlegs of new songs here and there. Now...


When a band gathers an audience from their inception, expectations get skewed in an unfair way. A hit song can be a blessing in...


The new Skeletonwitch album is quite the ripper. Serpents Unleashed comes out October 29th and over the weekend, the band posted the title track from the album...


Spoiler alert: I'm not the biggest Iced Earth fan, but I very much enjoyed the band's new track, "Plagues of Babylon." 


Full disclosure: I love Daft Punk. Their album, Random Access Memories was a welcome break in the spring from all the blast beats and...


Whitechapel are currently "off the grid" in terms of the metal news cycle. But, just to remind fans that the band is hard at...


I've realized that the Westboro Baptist Church are just a bunch of trolls. I don't know if they actually believe what they say they...


Holy hell, you guys! The metal gods heard my complaining last week. I made the mistake of bitching about not enough notable releases, and...

Injection Reflection

It's the first week of June, and we had a lot of Dave Mustaine stories this week, hopefully we'll calm down next week and...

Mustaine Mania

If you haven't downloaded Spotify yet, here is the perfect excuse. The streaming music service has this new feature where they ask artists to...


Megadeth's Super Collider comes out tomorrow, and so far we've heard the title track, "King Maker" and then this snippet of "Off The Edge"...


Black Sabbath's new album 13 is about a week away from being released on June 11th. And while the band has been playing many...

Shocking Revelations

Dave Mustaine is in Megadeth. Jason Newsted is in…well, Newsted. So why in the hell are we talking about them jamming on an old...


Fuck the Facts will destroy you with their new tune, or at the very least wreck your brain with the animation that comes along with it.


There aren't many bands that maintain a consistency while constantly progressing from album to album. It seems like everyone wants to renew and reinvent...


How do we know Frankie got electrocuted? He told us himself!

Verbal Diarrhea

Emmure's Frankie Palmeri has carved quite the reputation for himself. When bands aren't drawing dicks over his graffitti, or when he's not sending tweets...