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"We always agree on each other’s musical input. That’s the beauty of it; there’s never really an argument about what direction we’re taking."

Song Premiere

"It seems inevitable that we are headed toward a much darker age for humanity," Matt Stikker, vocalist and guitarist of Drouth says. "Our civilization can...


Playing a musical instrument is hard. There’s not a whole lot that is intuitive about most of them, and the guitar might be one...

Bummer Alert

It's far past the time we accept that we probably won't ever get another new System of A Down album. As if you need any...

Upcoming Releases

There's also a bit of writer's block happening.

New Music

You should get into Currents.

New Music

OCD can be a truly difficult condition to live with. It has broken up countless relationships and driven some to insanity. It makes for...

Live Footage

Killswitch Engage, much like the rest of us, are in quarantine and due to their canceled tour, they wanted to give fans something special....

Latest News

Hunter Hunt-Hendrix, vocalist of New York post-black metal band Liturgy, has come out as transgender. In a new statement, she writes “I am a...


Happy 25th anniversary to this great album!


As this dreadful virus wages a massive toll on the global economy, on people’s jobs and on so many lives, the music industry is...

Music Videos

"They go about their day oblivious to the fact that they are mannequins living in a 1950s style 'Doom Town' experiment."


Metallica, Exodus, Megadeth, Testament and many other Bay Area legends featured.


Jarboe shows us that she's an artist without limitations and offers something altogether different from expectation and definition.

RIP a Livecast

New York comedian Ian Fidance sits in on this episode and fits right in. We begin talking to Ian about how he's been dealing...


Haunting practitioners of metal-laden occult rock, Lucifer bring thick melodies, slick riffs and a groovy inject-this-into-my-veins-right-now 70s sensibility for their third studio album, the...

Humor of the Beast

Simply getting to meet your music hero is a special moment. But getting to regularly interview and befriend them? That’s something most of us...

Back in the Day

Like a lot of radio stations, MTV really didn't know what to do with Nine Inch Nails when the band's sonic wave hit in...


Moon Destroys, the brain child of guitarist Juan Montoya (Killer be Killed / ex – Torche) and drummer Evan Diprima (Brother Hawk, ex –...

New Music

Bloodywood, a metal band from New Delhi India, that mixes their traditional, cultural music with metal, makes us feel more than we probably want...

Record Sales

Disturbed is seeing a spike in sales and streams of their 20 year old, uhh, classic "Down with the Sickness," thanks in part to...