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It's almost Labor Day weekend, and without a doubt, the best part about this particular weekend for me will be seeing Sleep, another band...

Around the Interwebs

Last December, SNL released the above parody of the infamous Gathering of the Juggalos infomercial and we all collectively wondered if there was a...

Upcoming Releases

Slipknot may been on hiatus until 2012 (at least according to Joey Jordison) but that doesn't mean they are leaving their maggots high and...


While Tila Tequila was busy being pelted by shit (literally) at the Gathering this weekend, Tom Green decided to grab a camera and a...


Wow, I don't know where Korn got the budget for this, but they just released a 90 minute live concert clip FOR FREE (watch...


This is a touching story. By now, I'm sure you've seen or heard of Insane Clown Posse's absurd video for the track "Miracles" featuring...


by Ryan B Summer is here, my graduation is days away, and a Facebook status update from REVOCATION reminds "Saturday night, no excuse to...


We were given an advanced copy of Nachtmystium's upcoming release, Addicts: Black Meddle Pt. II and I got to say, it's pretty fucking awesome....

Show Recap

CLICK HERE FOR OUR VIDEO RECAP I am still in awe at the amazing night that was the 2010 Revolver Golden Gods Awards. When...

Show Recap

While attending SXSW, there was one show I am sort of glad I didn't attend, and that is Cokie The Clown's performance. Cokie is...

Show Recap

by Ryan Buege It's that time of year again! The snow has melted, birds are flying home, and soon all the trees in Minnesota...


One of our videographers, Sean Gresens aka Spleen Latifa goes to a lot of shows! And most of them are usually in basements! So,...


Metal crowds don't get much rowdier than they do for a MUNICIPAL WASTE headlining gig. I suppose songs like "The Art of Partying", "Thrash?...

Best of 2009

by Frank Godla Metal Injection undeniably watches a crap load of music videos each year, I suppose that is part of our job for...


By Ben Apatoff GLENN DANZIG's influence on punk and metal is unquestionable. At the last show I caught, two separate bands on the bill...


By Ben Apatoff Why should fiction get all the fun? There are plenty of great metal rockumentaries, especially in the past few years, and...


Last Friday (Nov. 27), the Metal Injection-sponsored tour featuring BARONESS, EARTHLESS, and U.S. CHRISTMAS played at the Triple Rock Social Club in Minneapolis, MN,...


By Ben Apatoff Until the Light Takes Us, a new documentary chronicling black metal-related crimes in Norway in the early '90s, tells a fascinating...

RIP a Livecast

We know we say new episodes every week, but it's been a while since we took a week off, plus America's funnyman, and one...

Latest News

While it may be some time until we hear new music from MESHUGGAH, the band announced on their official site that they plan to...


So it's Friday afternoon, and if you're visiting this site that means you're either at work with time to kill, or and home with...


PIG DESTROYER Loathsome Live Get excited people! Over the next few days, we will be uploading footage from the first show in The Blackened...

RIP a Livecast

Being this was our first Wednesday show, we knew we had to do something big. We decided to bring back our most requested game...