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Welcome back to Throwback Thursday! This is the place where we get to indulge in nostalgia and wax poetic about excellent metal of years...

Upcoming Releases

Well it's not the reunion some were hoping for, it's just a very very fancy box set. Guns N Roses are releasing a very...


This is an amazing edition of Squared Circle Pit as we have guitarist Nita Strauss on the show to discuss her incredible performance at...

Mashups & Covers

Mashup artist DJ Cummerbund is back at it again with another excellent mashup. This time he takes UK pop artist Cher Lloyd's track "Want U...

Weekly Injection

This edition includes doooooooooooooooooooom (said in an Invader Zim voice), thrash, melodic radio rock (sorry?), and more! To the metals...

Weekly Injection

This is a huge week for metal. This edition includes a long-awaited return, djent masters, lots of weirdness, and more! To the metals...

Tour Dates

Y'know, because of the recent news about Inquisition.


One of the guests I knew I wanted to get on the show when I started the podcast two years ago was Bubba Ray...

Metal In The Mainstream

Commentator Corey Graves dropped some Megadeth knowledge as well.


Rivers of Nihil's Adam Biggs talks pushing metal boundaries, the bleakness of existence and being inspired by Bowie's Lazarus on their new album Where...


“Hearing is for life, wear fucking earplugs at shows”

Tour Dates

Satyricon have announced they will be touring one last time in the US this spring.

Shocking Revelations

Ecstasy and alcohol were found in his system.

Tour Dates

The Foos can't stop. Won't stop.