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Record Sales

Rob Zombie is still very relevant.


Ahh, another year of the GRAMMYs and another year with the rock world feeling shafted. With the immeasurable loss of Eddie Van Halen in...


“I love and respect John very much, but I don’t love and respect his American political views."

New Music

Feels like the intro to a Deftones song fronted by Maynard James Keenan


The next generation of rock fans is alive and well and one of them made it to American Idol. 15-year-old Casey Bishop impressed judges...

Tech-Death Tuesday

Hey there, tech fiends. It's that time of the week again. Before we dive into today's focus, here's the usual weekly reminder that if...

Metal In The Mainstream

If you tuned in early to Super Bowl LV, you may have been delighted to see a pretty sweet guitar solo courtesy of R&B...

Shocking Revelations

Otep Shamaya is the latest to speak up with claims of abuse against Marilyn Manson. In a new message posted to her social media...

Music Videos

Heavily reminiscent of the golden years of black metal – the early to mid-90s – Fuath creates an icy and foreboding atmosphere in their...

Full Album Stream

Like shoegaze, but more in your face and earworm-y.

Tour Dates

The tickets are still good for future South American dates yet to be announced.

Full Album Stream

One-man black metal band, Hysterical Blindness, lead by Vincent Piløn has dropped his second full-length on Halloween, and it's nothing short of warm feelings...


It's about 40 minutes and none of it is skipable.

Music Videos

Deathcore diehards Reign of Vengeance deliver a level of anger anyone familiar with the "American Family Court" system can identify with. Inspired by singer...

Song Premiere

After forming back in 2008, under the name Krom, Missouri-based Gravehuffer have now crafted their own unique style of extreme metal. With a couple...

Music Videos

He and Saki (Mary's Blood, Nemophilia), of course.

Tour Dates

Dark Tranquillity have announced 2021 tour dates in the hopes that things in North America would have calmed down enough in a year to...