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Music Videos

It's October again. That glorious month when the rest of America venerates witches, demons, and ghouls almost as much as the typical headbanger does...

Weekly Injection

Most weeks I peak ahead to see just how much good stuff is coming out, and didn't this week for some reason. I was...


Adventurous headbangers know there's a whole world of amazing, mind-expanding music lurking beneath heavy metal's obsidian surface. Maine's Falls of Rauros are one such...


In the most basic terms, Ævangelist is a black/death band. The music this duo creates is similar to the racket that Teitanblood belched into...

br00tal Comedy

Metal in a dentist chair? At the library?! That's inappropriate!


When discussions are had about hotbeds of heavy metal activity in the United States, it's safe to say that Ohio is never on the...


Johnny Touch - Creepy band name; tasty NWOBHM throwback bangers.

Weekly Injection

Greetings from the past dear readers. During the time that I'd normally be getting drunk and writing this weekly forum for your hatred, I'll...

Weekly Injection

You ever just have one of those moments where you can't stop listening to "One Week," by The Barenaked Ladies? That's what I'm going...

Weekly Injection

The writer of the WEEKLY INJECTION has been kidnapped! Oh wait, no he hasn't, JK. Now you care about my posts right? Anywhoozle, This...


2014 has been great to power metal fans so far. Edguy, Freedom Call, Iron Savior, Sonata Arctica, Gamma Ray, and Sabaton have all released...

Weekly Injection

This edition include the two pirate bands you can name, some of the heaviest shit I've ever heard, cult legends, stuff you'll hate me...

br00tal Comedy

Rob Scallon, the man behind this amazing ukelele cover, and this banjo cover and this metal binary idea is back with a new gag:...

The same dude who covered Slayer's Raining Blood on banjo and War Ensemble on ukelele and the inventor of binary metal, Rob Scallon is...

At The Movies

The key value in this book is not so much in the research as the actual, lived-in expertise and insight that McPadden brings to...

Weekly Injection

This week's edition features everyone's prehistoric themed prog band, stoner parody, a couple long-running innovators, and more!

Latest News

This week flew by for me, and there were some juicy stories along the way. Here are the top 10 most popular posts of...


Four records into a reasonably successful career, Wretched are pretty much a known quantity at this point: technically rendered death metal that has gradually...

Weekly Injection

Happy Tuesday to you all. Are you all hungry for new records!?!?! Welp, there's a few this week to act as a snack, I...


Now, almost as if in response to The Satanist, Spain's Teitanblood has loosed Death; a nigh impenetrable mass of atavistic black/death chaos. Death is...

Upcoming Releases

Maybe you haven't heard of Midnight because you're too busy listening to boring bands like Whitechapel and Black Label Society; well, now's the time to rectify that situation

Weekly Injection

I alluded to today's monstrous releases last week, and the day i finally upon us. This week's edition of The Weekly Injection features some...

Weekly Injection

Holy hell people. This edition of THE WEEKLY INJECTION is a beast. If you like death metal you'll be blowing so much money this...