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Fuck Yes!

They better air old Liquid Television!

Gear Gods

What I admire about Rob Scallon is he's really pushing the boundries of the type of instruments that can be used to create metal....

Weekly Injection

This week's edition includes lots of great prog, a Rattata, a supergroup, a Rattata, some spooky shit, ANOTHER FUCKING RATTATA, and more! To the...


I can already see the comments now. “Who cares about rap?” “Why would a metal blog cover rap?” “What new low has Metal Injection...

Weekly Injection

This edition includes lots of crazy haired frontmen, slow heaviness, spells to be cast, and more! To the metals...

Weekly Injection

This edition gets classy with some classical metal, progressive mainstays, and other ramblings of an incredibly sleepy blogger. To the metals…

Weekly Injection

This edition includes some deathcore, some weirdness, a lil fuzz, and more!


The 2016 edition of the iconic French festival Hellfest is over, and dozens of thousands of bruised, bloodied, exhausted metalheads are wild eyed, ecstatic...


Oh my dear Lord, they have tits!!

Weekly Injection

This edition includes lots of blues-based rockin', some technical madness, post-metal giants and more! To the metals…


Taking a line each from Lamb Of God, The Black Dahlia Murder and SikTh, UK groove/death/techgroovedeath outfit Harbinger are more than ready to make...

Cinema Fix

A grim and dramatic coming of age / black metal origin story


Characteristically brief at 33 minutes, the 13 songs here provide more consistent predictability with a renewed focus on anthemic, uptempo numbers combining brisk rhythmic...


In the interest of full disclosure, and as a demonstration of the transformative power that comes with taking one’s time and ignoring first impressions,...

Gear Gods

Wow, this is truly a feat. Rob Scallon's May-tallica takes it to another level, playing Metallica's famous track "One" on one guitar. Joe Shadid...


Under Attack is album number fourteen and if there’s an underlying message at play it’s that you can teach old dogs new tricks while...

Gear Gods

Rob Scallon is continuing May-tallica with a medley of EVERY Metallica song in four minutes, quite a task. Check out some of Rob's other cool...

Weekly Injection

A Rather eclectic week for all y'all metal nerds. This week includes some Norwegian craziness, positive-affirmation-core, lots of atmosphere, and more! To the metals…

br00tal Comedy

Rob Scallon has deemed May the month of May-tallica, offering a new unique Metallica cover each week. This week, he uses the instrument that...


Straight to the point, no bullshit, no frills, no filler, nothing but solid brass knuckles track by track.

br00tal Comedy

For the second year in a row, Rob Scallon has turned May into May-tallica, promising a month's worth of tributes to arguably the biggest...

Weekly Injection

This week is fucking solid. So much so that I didn't even get around to talking about everything I wanted to. Sad. Anyway, get...

Show Recap

There were rumors that New England Metal and Hardcore Fest wasn't going to happen this year. With some changes in management and the murmurs...