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Injection Reflection

This week flew by for me, and hopefully for you as well. Here are some posts to get you ready for the weekend. The...

Caption Contest

First thing's first: Last week's winner! Congratulations to Charlie Gallagher who had the best zinger: "So goddamn easy to ride this You make it...

Metal Crimes

Keep it in your pants, pedo!


Spoiler Alert: It's the best song you've heard all day

Upcoming Releases

Pfft, what's next? Albums that are one long song?


Ambient black metal at it's finest

Metal Injection Exclusives

Find out why we think this is the best metal festival in North America


The Faceless are currently visiting metalheads up north for the Canadian leg of the Summer Slaughter tourĀ and ran into some trouble on the road...

Bummer Alert

Anyway, "Colony II: Colonier" is out in 2016.

Upcoming Releases

Sick artwork? Check. Sick music? Also check.


Despite hailing from the relatively well-off economic hub of Padua, Italy, Children of Technology has created a dystopian air around themselves. Their image is...


After the band's initial assembly in 2007, and creating a self-titled full length album, Those Who Bring The Torture then disbanded in 2010. In...


They recorded one song under the ocean! Maybe. Come find out.

10 Year Anniversary

Metal Injection started as a humble website in 2004 and in the ten years that followed we have morphed into the mega-site you know...

Free Swag

We still can't believe Motorhead got away with calling their cruise Motorboat. The thrash-heavy voyage kicks off off September 22nd for four days of...


We round up your favorite metal artists' Throwback Thursday photos.


Do you like Nevermore? Then you'll like this track!


Digital Dream Sequence is a planned attack on your ears, meticulously written to encompass all the violent, destructive natures of metal, but wrapped up...