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Search results for "november"

Tour Dates

Crosses, the duo of Deftones vocalist Chino Moreno and Far instrumentalist Shaun Lopez, is hitting the stage for the first time since 2014 this...


Gorguts released their third album, Obscura, in 1998, but the material for the record was actually completed between 1993 and 1994. Like loads of...


'Mud Ride' is "straightforward, to-the-point, easy to follow, and bears a hint of snarky humor throughout."

Tour Dates

Happening late this November.

Tour Dates

Canada, you've got Tool again.

Live Footage

Including an Appetite track that hasn't been played since 1988.

Tour Dates

Babymetal's fall is pretty booked up.

Weekly Injection

Plus releases from Atavistia, Enter Shikari, Grave Pleasures, Portrayal of Guilt, and The Smashing Pumpkins


"Air Not Meant For Us is a masterpiece of modern melodic death metal, and it's sure to be a contender for 2023's best melodic...