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Search results for "bass"

Upcoming Releases

They also have a new bassist.

Tour Dates

Kirk Hammett, Robert Trujillo, and Whitfield Crane are back.

Live Footage

Mr. Bungle is out playing their first shows in nearly 20 years, and had an extra special one in Brooklyn. Mr. Bungle played Brooklyn Steel...


Given its steady composure, openness, and graceful diversity, Inescapable is almost inarguably Godsticks’ best effort thus far.


Hey there, tech fiends. It's that time of the week again. Before we dive into today's focus, here's the usual weekly reminder that if...

br00tal Comedy

Spongebob Metalpants is here for your riffs.

Upcoming Releases

"A tribute to the old gods, like Morbid Angel, Suffocation, Deicide."

Music Videos

Muldrotha, the band featuring ex-Fallujah vocalist Alex Hoffman, Fallujah drummer Andrew Baird, The Zenith Passage guitarist Rob Maramonte and Decrepit Birth bassist Sean Martinez, released their...


This was, I think, my 10th visit to the Anaheim Convention Center for the annual NAMM music instrumentation convention, and after 10 years, I...


Two of Arizona's heavy metal finest are undergoing a shakeup. Nate Garrett announced in an interview with Metal Injection that he is parting ways...


"So, we will finally have a first court hearing soon, after ‘just’ one year of waiting."

Song Premiere

Hey there, tech fiends. It's that time of the week again. Before we dive into today's focus, here's the usual weekly reminder that if...

Upcoming Releases

It's called Building the Perfect Beast and it's out in September.

New Music

The band is back and absolutely killing it!