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What else do you expect from Monster Magnet?

Best of 2017

Hey Freaks!  Here is a whopper of a year end list to get you googling while I finish up the return of The Obituarist. ...


Erdve's debut record is not without its flaws but there’s nonetheless more good than bad here.

Tech-Death Tuesday

Hey there tech fiends, it's that time of the week again. Before we dive into today's focus, here's the usual reminder that if you're...

Best of 2017

2017 may be remembered as the final curtain for true founders of heavy metal in Black Sabbath, but that's not to say that it...

Best of 2017

Swearing can be a crutch when it comes to writing, but sweet shit-fucking merciful Christ in hell, this was a terrible fucking year. I...


Compilation of the progressive instrumental shred project alike Sithu Aye, Aristocrats, Plini...


Lyrics? We don't need no stinking lyrics.


Have a very metal Christmas with these ten heavy stocking stuffers.

Latest News

Sorry Matty Williams, but Ghoul needed a sacrifice.

Latest News

December is officially here, which means there is only one month left in 2017. Where did the time go? Here's what you missed this...


FFO: Code Orange, Drive Like Jehu, Today is the Day...


Most of you reading this are likely intimately familiar with the convoluted and sordid history surrounding Sepultura and both current and former members. No...

New Music

This is a very good song.

The Monday Grind

It’s Monday and Mondays suck, so let’s grind it out with Facada’s Nenhum Puto De Atitude.

Music Videos

Ambient Prog-metal band, Ascending Dawn, are gearing up for the release of their upcoming album, Coalesce, on December 1st. We're stoked to bring you...


Come on, Marilyn. You are more clever than that.


We were unable to get clarification on whether the size of the cake was relative to scale of any of the members of Arch...


Five albums in and Leprous continue their gradual descent away from progressive metal towards Radiohead-like synth, experimental rock...

The Monday Grind

It’s Monday and Mondays suck, so let’s grind it out with Mellow Harsher’s Served Cold.

Latest News

As part of Pride month, Billboard has interviewed a few notable "out" LGBT personalities in the rock world including Cynic's Paul Masvidal, Otep Shamaya, Life of...

The Obituarist

Hi kids, do you like violence? Trevor from The Black Dahlia Murder here again with more sick underground offerings to embalm your earholes this...