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Viking metal is a dying art form, but Ulfven reinvigorates the genre. Get on it.


"At least Chester’s standing up for his new sh** instead of hiding behind a wall of rhetoric because they’re afraid of not making money."


Listen to Mourner, smash your head through a wall, and enjoy every second of it.

Upcoming Releases

The cat is officially out of the bag as Foo Fighters have confirmed they will be releasing their new album, titled Concrete And Gold,...

Core Breakdown

Let loose on Employed To Serve's new record Warmth of a Dying Sun, as it utterly captivates your mind and crushes your eardrums.

RIP a Livecast

What an eventful episode. We kick things off talking about Steve Harvey's letter to his employees. We also discovered our favorite Israeli radio stations,...

Thrash Attack

Head banging with death metal thrashers Horrible Creatures and their latest record Pitfall.

Breakups & Shakeups

13 years later and it's curtains for Vanna.

The Wednesday Sludge

Get ready for the cold landscape that makes up Lotus Ash's The Evening Redness.

New Music

It's so good. It's insane, blackened, melodic, and dirty death metal, but it's amazing.


Whereas Cloud Catcher's debut showcased a simpler approach to their hazy brand of rock, Trails of Kozmic Dust shows a spacier, more airy side...

Scene Report

The following Scene Report was written by guest contributor Michelle O'Rance of the Australian radio show, The Doc and The Metal Maiden. Scene Report...


Wino is a doom metal godfather, we sat down with him for thirty minutes of stories and wisdom.

The Wednesday Sludge

Going down under for some rock driven sludge in DEAD's upcoming release: We Won't Let You Sleep

The Wednesday Sludge

Do you want ten tons of fun, or a Ten Ton Slug? What if you could have both?


With brutal hardcore and soaring metal, Darkest Hour reaches an outstanding achievement in Godless Prophets & the Migrant Flora

The Wednesday Sludge

Come and discover the psychedelic sludge journey that is Faces of the Bog's Ego Death