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Search results for "deserve"

Full Album Stream

Hey there, tech fiends. It's that time of the week again. Before we dive into today's focus, here's the usual weekly reminder that if...


2nd wave black metal with dungeon synth frills? Yeah - we need to talk about this.

Back in the Day

"You can't leave your band. It's called Van Halen, it is your band."


The Dillinger Escape Plan vocalist unleashes a fresh torrent of creativity on his long-awaited solo album...


AC/DC is one of those bands who has been accused of writing songs that all sound the same. Contrary to popular belief, this is...


It'd be best to keep a bucket nearby for these ten stomach-turning tracks.


Endarkenment leans harder into overwhelming speed and aggression when it counts most.

Full Album Stream

UK post-metal group Svalbard returns this week with their brand new album, When I Die, Will I Get Better? The title itself is a...

Upcoming Releases

The album is being worked on as you read this.

Metal Merch

Nine Inch Nails isn't stoked on America right now.


In keeping with the spirit of previous releases, Year of the Knife is a hardcore band through and through. Though one that pulls heavily...


A good chunk of May You Be Held finds Sumac leaving metal behind in favor of non-linear, textural explorations.

Live Footage

The band is streaming their performance of "Teacher, Teacher!" now.

At The Movies

Biopics are all the rage. Queen saw a huge career resurgence after their biopic. Elton John saw a boost. Ozzy is working on a...

New Music

Hey there, tech fiends. It's that time of the week again. Before we dive into today's focus, here's the usual weekly reminder that if...


Kamelot have achieved an illustrious career over an impressive 30-some years. A band with this kind of longevity and fan-base practically owes it to...


There’s something about the South that evokes a keen sense of melancholy and nostalgia. The vast, mountainous landscapes splashed against searing, crimson skies are...


Panther is not only one of Pain of Salvation's best records, but also one of the best albums of 2020.

Extreme of the Extreme

It's hard to find a band that comes as strong out of the gate with a debut album like WoR. It's actually a very...


Canada's Unleash The Archers storm the senses once again with their as-advertised-epic concept album, Abyss. A sister-record to 2017s Apex in both story while...

Mashups & Covers

If you would've asked me what song would make for a good Christian parody, as in replace the lyrics with lyrics about Jesus, I...