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Search results for "quartet"

Song Premiere

Drug Honkey's new album has quite a bit of clout behind it. Cloak of Skies boasts talent contributions from Bruce Lamont (Yakuza, Corrections House) and Justin...

Funeral Doom Friday

It is the weekend! Is there a better way to start it than with the latest installment of “Funeral Doom Friday?" This weekly column...

The Thinking Man

Overall, Tetrafusion reminds me a little bit of early Dream Theater, has its Rush moments, and gets me nostalgic for the car rides back...


Mastodon return with their long-awaited new effort, Emperor of Sand. What stylistic twists will they throw at us this time?


Heartless offers a brilliant summation of an illustrious, though youthful, career. Its shift in tone and musical ambition may alienate some of the more...


Four years since their last album and the addition of Krallice's drummer, Woe is back!

Song Premiere

The Rennes-based sludge/noise quartet broadens their scope and focuses their rage on a punishing new track.

New Music

Stoner and death metal blended together in an exciting new track from this Finnish four-piece.

The Wednesday Sludge

Every week, Michael Pementel dissects the heavy riffs of bands — new and old — in The Wednesday Sludge. He was gracious enough to...

Music Videos

If you are a fan of in-your-fucking-face hardcore, then look no further than 156/Silence. This Pittsburgh-based hardcore quartet have only gotten heavier since their...


Find out who you're missing out on featuring Demonic Resurrection, Skyharbor, Undying Inc, Zygnema, Systemhouse33, Inner Sanctum, Albatross, Kryptos, Goddess Gagged, Noiseware, Eccentric Pendulum,...


There are many underground labels doing incredible work. Here are five (well, technically six) labels that stand out!

Song Premiere

The UK-based project unleashes a complex, celestial arrangement of blackened noise and unique instrumentation.

Latest News

All of the money they earn will go towards The Trevor Project and Planned Parenthood!

Best of 2016

I swear this is the hardest thing I have to do all year… Trying to narrow down the best releases within a year can...


If you were expecting any amount of originality from Ranger’s second full length, you’ll definitely want to check that expectation at the door. If...


Punky doom albums. We need more of them.

Upcoming Releases

Black metal's modern wizards are releasing ANOTHER record in 2016.

Funeral Doom Friday

Denmark rains threnodic sounds through Woebegone Obscured.

Latest News

Abysmal Dawn has been around since '03 and is working on its fifth album.


Denver's doomed rock and roll outfit has made massive strides towards greatness while simultaneously crafting one the year's catchiest albums.