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Inspired by the recent episode of On The Record focusing on album art, contributor J. Andrew Zalucky decided to explore the artwork of death...

Around the Interwebs

A way to properly express metal via text message!

Weekly Injection

The Tuesday version of this piece is coming to a close this month in favor of a Friday one. Look forward to this?!? Anywhoozle,...

Shocking Revelations

Maynard, who is 51, just had to have his right hip replaced.

Shocking Revelations

So you know how Chris Adler was hired as a studio musician to play on the new Megadeth record? Turns out his schedule has...


If you've been on board with us since mid-2014, you'll remember I used to do a segment called Bandcamp Buried Treasure. I'd hunt down...

Fuck Yes!

"If somebody develops a cure for cancer, there will still be haters."

Weekly Injection

Pretty solid week this week. New releases from a couple reunited bands, some grimness, some grimy, some prog, and more! To the metals…


On the anniversary of Ronnie James Dio's death, celebrate the man's extensive catalog!

Upcoming Releases

A list of all things metal to be released on record store day 2015


Including some progressive rock, atmospheric death metal and a few Swedish groups!

Weekly Injection

Kind of a slower week for y'all. A few solid droppings from your record label overlords though. These include weird avant Norway fellas, live...


Members of Anthrax, Nuclear Assault, Sick of It All, Agnostic Front and more reflect on the crossover of hardcore and metal in the New...

Best of 2014

Picks include Opeth, Slipknot, Scar Symmetry and some bands you may not have heard of.

Weekly Injection

Some cool stuff, but the end of the year slowdown is here. Some prog, some death metal and more. To the metals…

Free Publicity

The old haha-just-kidding-don't-fall-for-clickbait.

Weekly Injection

This is another diverse quality over quantity week. This edition includes danceable power metal, an bunch of dudes celebrating Halloween early, and more! To...