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A bit of filler aside, Tengger Cavalry's latest is a wonderfully inventive breath of fresh air. Folk metal enthusiasts will find much to enjoy.

Shocking Revelations

Yi alleges Manson showed up to the set of a TV show and made crude, sexist and racist remarks to the women on set.

Song Premiere

Arkheth is an Australian experimental black metal act consisting of vocalist/multi-instrumentalist Tyrone 'Tyraenos' Kostitch, who performs everything besides the saxophone, done by Glen Wholohan....

Weekly Injection

This edition features quite a bit of epicness, some rage, a softer side of the king, and more! To the metals...


Monochromatic black metal that will make you run to the hills. Dig in!

Upcoming Releases

Taylor is currently writing music for three songs on the new Slipknot album.

Fuck Yes!

Metallica are the first band to win Sweden's Polar Prize.


The iconic frontman updates fans on the new Soulfly record, second leg of the Nailbomb tour, and the growing family business of heavy fucking...


This is the only time anything Flat Earth is something good.

Tour Dates

It's called the Tune Low Die Slow tour.

Tech-Death Tuesday

Hey there tech fiends, it's that time of the week again. Before we dive into today's focus, here's the usual reminder that if you're...


Last year started with a lot of amazing thrash and crossover releases, and 2018 may be heading in the same direction thanks to Long...

At The Movies

James Hetfield to share the screen with Zac Efron in a Ted Bundy biopic


Salt Lake City's power metallers are back with their second full-length album.


Erdve's debut record is not without its flaws but there’s nonetheless more good than bad here.

Music Videos

Plus you can catch the band on tour with Kreator and Sabaton next week!


Although it can feel a tad monotonous and underdeveloped at times, Legend of the Seagullmen is an imposing yet fun ride from start to...


In death metal, some prefixes just make sense. Take, for example, the prefix of 'cavernous'. The word itself speaks volumes. Written on its own,...


Coma Noir: a stunning example of musical growth, marked progression and fine wine maturity.