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Previous to Black Heaven, Earthless had its niche and was painted into a comfortable corner. This new album sees a heroic breaking of convention’s...

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"The next thing on my docket is Demons & Wizards anyway, so that's coming later in the year."

Tour Dates

No name or release date yet, but it's coming this year.


There’s something grander and expansive happening here. But how much opportunity and potential has been quashed by the band's isolationist stance?

Upcoming Releases

"I've heard the new Atreyu and its great... but you haven't. :)"

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Kerrang! recently published their "definitive, objective, indisputable list of the best heavy metal band from every U.S. state." It is certainly a bold and adventurous move...

Music Videos

A Perfect Circle think its time to log off.

Weekly Injection

This edition features metal legends, prog metal darlings, a band with "Moose" in their name, and more! To the metals...


FFO: Dillinger Escape Plan, Mastodon, Moon Tooth...


Corey Taylor and Halestorm, who are playing the fest show their support for the cause as well.


The new record from Krosis, Solem Vatem, is an interesting take on how to innovate an otherwise formulaic genre. Krosis are able to take...

Tech-Death Tuesday

Hey there tech fiends, it's that time of the week again. Before we dive into today's focus, here's the usual reminder that if you're...


FFO: Deftones, Chevelle, Islander...

Bands and Booze

Will it rain dum a doo, dum a da?


The prog giants have an illustrious discography. How does the first part of their double album stack up?