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No frills or wasted time. Just some of good, old Leng Tch'e grindcore.

Weekly Injection

This is a HUGE week! It features releases from one of my favorite bands ever, what could very well be an album of the...

Upcoming Releases

Toontrack ain't messin' around here.

Tour Dates

Over 80 tour dates planned.

Latest News

This edition includes sludge, death metal, Melvin metal, and more metal! To the metals...

Music Videos

It's no secret that I've been pumped on Igorrr for years, and eagerly awaiting his latest opus, Savage Sinusoid, out on Metal Blade Records...

Weekly Injection

This edition includes the rise of a new supergroup, the debut of a (soon to be) prog star, a unique and amazing debut, and...

RIP a Livecast

The first hour was Darren-less but we had plenty of stories. Rob discussed his brief trip to Belgium, we talked about Ashba water, Sid...

New Music

Beligum's Brutus brings barbaric but beautiful rock!

Bummer Alert

Scottish punk band The Exploited had a big health scare last week. The band revealed that frontman Wattie Buchan had to be rushed to...

The Obituarist

The Obituarist back again with another potent dose of sick underground metal to wreck your neck just in time for spring!

Tour Dates

Korn might not be allowed to be played at a certain US Defense Command post, but that's not stopping them from hitting the road...

Bummer Alert

It has not been a fun weekend for The Dillinger Escape Plan, as yesterday, they awoke to a truck crushing into their bus, destroying...

Bummer Alert

We spoke with guitarist Ben Weinman, who says the band is okay.

Dank Slams

What better way to celebrate this week's release of the hotly anticipated return to form of the Resident Evil series than with a brutally...

Tour Dates

Bring your sister in her Sunday dress.


Celebrate the holiday with Pelican!


Ozzfest + Knotfest = Knozzfest! As the event quickly approaches, we have decided to break down all 36 groups of the lineup that are...