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Search results for "belgium"

Upcoming Releases

"But we have been nibbling away at the writing and the songs are still embryonic."


It's not easy for a band to come to the States.

Tour Dates

Gost, the bad boy of metallic synthwave, has announced a brand new album release, titled Valediction. Hot off the heals of his 2018 opus,...

Upcoming Releases

Lacuna Coil is back!


On the morning Metal Injection spoke with Sabaton frontman Joakim Brodén, the band had just ran the gambit of European mega festivals. To say...

Live Footage

Metallica – extremely good at Internet content.

Tour Dates

Rammstein is not messing around next year. They just announced an extension to their European tour next year and most of the venues are...

Music Videos

Canadian black metallers Panzerfaust have released a fantastic new video for their single "The Men of No Man's Land," which gives a fictitious account...


Last night, June 18th, was the kick-off to Static-X's Wisconsin Death Trip 20th anniversary tour in Tempe, AZ at the Marquee Theater. Of course,...

Upcoming Releases

Fomer guitarist Tripp Essen, who was once kicked out of the band for having been arrested after having sex with two underage girls, also...

Shocking Revelations

What would've TOOL sounded like without this encounter.

Tour Dates

Will you be seeing the Fleet live? (Sidenote: Do people call them the Fleet?)

Weekly Injection

This week's new heavy metal releases include some (actually quite a few) album of the year contenders, and more! To the metals…


The original Machine Head is back! (sort of)

Music Videos

The gentlemen in Tribulation are nothing less than a succulent treat live on stage, and their latest video for "Nightbound" filmed at Oberhausen in...

Weekly Injection

This edition includes some new blood, some old blood, some groovy blood, some doomy blood, and no bandages at all. To the metals...