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Search results for "between"

Song Premiere

Beyond the wide cross over among musicians involved, technical death metal which is my main interest, and progressive metal I also love deeply, share...


Texas instrumental group Driving Slow Motion prides itself on delivering “cascading dynamics and atmospheric melodies” to spark “a surreal sonic experience that both captivates...


Crusty new wave of old school death metal? Yes please!


"I’ve played it safe for the past decade with DTP [Devin Townsend Project] and I have a lot of things left to say that...

Latest News

There are "a lot of records worth of stuff that didn't get released."

Breakups & Shakeups

No replacement has been announced.


After a solid 12-year run, the beloved Columbus Ohio Rock on the Range festival was replaced with a brand new experience, Sonic Temple Art...


Bay Area thrashers Death Angel are one of the more underrated staples of the genre. Spending time in a rare air just outside the...


Being previously unfamiliar with this band, I admit that my curiosities were piqued at such a blunt and crass name as Porn. What extreme...

Metal Crimes

Reports emerged last year that Manowar guitarist Karl Logan had been arrested in August. These counts reference offenses that took place between June 18 and August...

Shocking Revelations

"For me, personally, I wish Panopticon had been the last record. To put that bluntly."

Metal Science

Vocals are for idiots. Sorry, everyone, but them's the facts.

Latest News

Reports emerged last year that Manowar guitarist Karl Logan had been arrested in August. These counts reference offenses that took place between June 18 and...


Reach for the Sky is only the band’s second full-length of their 20+ year history, but we're pleased to announce it's quite good.


Welcome to Throwback Thursday! This is the place where we get to indulge in nostalgia and wax poetic about excellent metal of years past....

Full Album Stream

It's no surprise that we here at Metal Injection have been fans and supporters of Bay Area-based deathcore pioneers Antagony. The group has a...