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Somewhere in Pennsylvania or New York.

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Anthrax's Scott Ian was back in his hometown of Bayside, Queens and decided to offer fans a look at the neighborhood he grew up...

Shocking Revelations

"That's really about the fact that whatever new music comes out, it's viewed as the devil's music."

Two Minutes to Late Night is back with another in their "Bedroom Covers" series, and this time they're taking on Journey’s “Of a Lifetime,”...


Sólstafir brings its massive arrangements and rustic grit to notably accessible territory, rounded off by some callbacks to a savage past.


Dave Davidson of Gargoyl and Revocation is no stranger to the world of music and exploring all of its different areas. Most commonly, you...

Upcoming Releases

"Like, I wrote a song and some other riffs, 'cause I play guitar too."


Nine Inch Nails were officially inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame last night, during a virtual ceremony.  They joined a class that...

Music Videos

Part nu metal, part progcore, and all power, Transient's debut single comes out swinging in blistering fury. Featuring strong bass and intricate riffs perfectly...


Emma Ruth Rundle & Thou bring the best out of each other, with plenty of sonic staples for fans of both artists to chew...

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They are putting together ideas for the next album while in quarantine.

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"They're not interested. Who knows, maybe they'll read this and call me."


"So, there has been some chatter, and there's no specific timetable for anything or no specific plans, but it's a possibility down the road."

Music Videos

"It's still pretty incredible that 4 Ukrainians travelled 14,770 km just to sing in their native language."

Music Videos

"It was an extremely fun, rewarding and explorative process."

Full Album Stream

We've been given the privilege to stream the record in full in all its blackened death metal glory.


The Botanist would have a field day in my neighbourhood! Head tree hugger, Roberto “Otrebor” Martinelli has previously stated that when the time comes...

Shocking Revelations

"You play what you feel is right. But just don't wear shorts on stage."