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Search results for "cavalera"

Tour Dates

Depending on which date you go to, of course.

Upcoming Releases

"We're in the process of finishing it up right now. Hopefully it's gonna come out this year."

Injection Reflection

2021 is just rolling by fast, but at least spring is in the air! Here are the top 10 stories you may have missed...


Go Ahead And Die, the new band featuring vocalist and guitarist Max Cavalera (Soulfly, Cavalera Conspiracy, etc.), guitarist and bassist Igor Amadeus Cavalera, and...


In 2011, we had a poll of our readers, an annual tradition, to vote on what you thought were the best metal albums of...

In The Studio

Fresh off his dreadlock haircut, Max Cavalera isn't about to sit still during quarantine. He's back in the studio working on new Soulfly material....


Okay, so this list made me a little uncomfortable. Apparently, 2011 wasn't "just a couple of years ago" anymore. 10 years really flies when...

Best of 2020

10. KILLER BE KILLEDReluctant HeroNuclear Blast Records One of those rare supergroups that actually deserves the name. You can definitely hear the contributions from...

Best of 2020

This is the point of the year where I usually make a joke about the hits and misses, what bands are underrated and which...

Slay At Home

"Refuse / Resist" by Sepultura performed by: Richie Cavalera (Incite) Mark Heylmun (Suicide Silence) Frank Godla (Metal Injection / Nitesoil) Eliseo Garcia (Abysmal Dawn)...

Breakups & Shakeups

Fans worried about the future of Nails, need not worry any more. Frontman Todd Jones resurfaced to assure fans a new album is coming....

Breakups & Shakeups

Nails have working on the follow-up to 2016's You Will Never Be One of Us, and now will have to seek out a new...

Music Videos

"The creeping punisher on this record, a lumbering steamroller laying a trail of sleek acid slime from beginning to end."

Weekly Injection

Plus releases from Dark Tranquillity, Fuck The Facts, Helvik, Jinjer, Liturgy, and Refused.


Read an in-depth interview with the band's bassist and vocalist about the new record and why Killer Be Killed shouldn't be called a supergroup.

Upcoming Releases

Mutoid Man also has a new album ready to go