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Live Footage

Back in March, Taiwan carried out their massive Megaport Festival featuring more than 100 artists on 10 stages – headlined by the extreme symphonic...

Live Footage

Sammy Hagar, Foo Fighters' Rami Jaffeel, Nickelback’s Chad Kroeger and a number of other musicians were special guests to a group of Afghan child...

Metal Crimes

Manson has “vehemently denied any accusations of assault” in relation to this case

RIP a Livecast

We kick things off talking to Banger Films executive producer Sam Dunn about his new show, Heavy Metal Hitchhiker, as well as some of his classic...

Celebrity Metalheads

Slipknot's stop at Flavortown got a bit spicy!

Live Footage

Corey Taylor is back on the road for a socially distanced tour. Tickets are sold in pods and a proof of vaccine or negative...


Hey there, tech fiends. It's that time of the week again. Before we dive into today's focus, here's the usual weekly reminder that if...

Upcoming Releases

Hopefully we'll hear some new material soon.

Attention, Stoners:

In partnership with Hollister Cannabis Co. and Heavy Grass

Metal Injection Exclusives

Frank sits down with Dino Cazares of Fear Factory to clear up the turbulent nature of the band, issues with previous band members, the...

Tour Dates

It's so exciting to be writing about tours, hopefully, these actually happen and if they do, I will be front and center. Today, Alice...

Tour Dates

Touring is back on the books and it's hard not to get excited. The latest tour to announce they're heading on the road includes...

Tour Dates

Black Tusk, Byzantine, Extinction A.D., 200 Stab Wounds and more!