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RIP a Livecast

We kicked things off talking about the new Motley Crue movie, The Dirt, and Rob talked about how the world needs a new Motley...

Celebrity Metalheads

The man's metal journey has been great to watch.

Music Videos

It should've been obvious this shreds because it's John 5.

Tour Dates

Misfits invade the west coast.


Decoherence have emerged from the primordial, and delivered something desperately needed.

Music Videos

Producer Russ Russell also plays in the band.

New Music

It's a slow-burning jam, but it'll get stuck in your head.

Music Videos

You may recognize comedy personality, Dave Hill, from the likes of his books, talk shows, or just schooling a bunch of motherfuckers as the...

Upcoming Releases

When will we hear new music?


Although my musical tastes nowadays lean on the progressive metalcore and deathcore side of the spectrum, it was the alternative rock and metal groups...

Full Album Stream

The band released it early to beat the leaks.

Tour Dates

Probably right before they hit the studio.

The Monday Grind

It's Monday and Mondays suck, so let's grind it out with Sachiel's Human Instrumentality.