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Primitive Man remain in their solitary state: loud, pissed, slow.


I’m going to pull an Iron Monkey myself and piss off most of you (primarily, the old-school and traditionalists) by proclaiming 9-13 a successor...

The Monday Grind

It’s Monday and Mondays suck, so let’s grind it out with Extortion’s Sick.

Tech-Death Tuesday

Hey there techfiends, it's that time of the week again. It seems a lot of you enjoyed last week's The Ritual Aura song premiere,...


Paradise Lost is proud to add a remarkable addition to their discography in Medusa

Music Videos

Instead of slowing down, it just goes faster.

Upcoming Releases

It's got quite the story behind it.

Core Breakdown

Pawtucket's very own Locked Away shares new music off their upcoming EP The Nails.

Live Footage

We've already seen Clutch perform one new song live, called "Love A Good Fire". Today, a new clip surfaces of the band playing another...


Travel the path of darkness and enlightenment in Tombs' new studio release, The Grand Annihilation


Sólstafir have crafted another gorgeous album, possibly their most emotional yet

Live Footage

Spoiler: it sounds like Clutch.


There's a lot of grindcore out there - what should you be listening to? Here's our top picks.

Dank Slams

Dudes! See that little, itty bitty thing hanging off your tiny, atrophied body? Yeah. That thing. It's microscopic and disgusting, isn't it? Do you...

Weekly Injection

This edition includes the rise of a new supergroup, the debut of a (soon to be) prog star, a unique and amazing debut, and...

Thrash Attack

Head banging with death metal thrashers Horrible Creatures and their latest record Pitfall.

The Monday Grind

It’s Monday and Mondays suck, so let’s grind it out with Grid’s Human Collapse Syndrome EP.


As a group maturates and develops, similar to the aging of edible elements procuring quality in exchange for time, so does the sound, body,...


Two years after Tierra, Xibalba return with a brief - as in 10 minutes brief - EP in the form of the three-track Diablo,...

Full Album Stream

Back in 2014, I was lucky enough to attend a phenomenal death metal focused show consisting of Gigan, Artificial Brain, and the almighty Pyrrhon....