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If Life's Blood were an unearthed gem from the 80's its value as a lost classic would be unassailable.  The vast majority of modern, retro-based...

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Ok, I'm calling it. Iron Maiden's Bruce Dickinson is like the James Bond of metal. Or perhaps a metal superhero. By day, he flies...


Rue might as well be a new band.  They have one other full length under their belt, but that was back in 2003… since...

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Noregs Vaapen is an artistic conundrum. On the one hand it is a towering confluence of masterful riffs and composition, immensely satisfying in its...

Upcoming Releases

Devin Townsend doesn't seem to believe in downtime. After releasing two amazing albums recently, Deconstruction and Ghost, and now, even while working on new material,...

Oh, Danzig

Ah, leave it to Glenn Danzig to keep things interesting.  Whether he's making news shopping for kitty litter or preparing for an apparently large-scale...

Bummer Alert

It is with a very heavy heart that we report the tragic news that GWAR guitarist and producer Cory Smoot, aka Flattus Maximus was...

Around the Interwebs

So, Lulu came out this week, and people hate it so much, Lou Reed is being threatened. Okay, maybe not actually being threatened, but...


By now you folks probably know one of my favorite pastimes is to expose unsigned bands doing really cool shit. So when Censura from...

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You may not have heard of Yob, even as a fan of doom you might not have known half of the bands on the...


In the heart of every music fan there is a shrine of sound, a cache of albums that comprise our sonic comfort zone. Most...


Emmure frontman Frankie Palmerie is a wordsmith; a poet! After the stunning accusations thrown his way that we wrote about yesterday, calling him out...

Shocking Revelations

There is some drama in the Emmure camp this week. Here is the short version: Drummer Mike Kaabe was posting instructional videos on the...


The Gathering of the Juggalos is something I don't ever want to attend. But every year, thousands of people willingly go there, spending a...


While it may not officially be autumn, it's cold as fuck in New York City, relatively speaking of course. So I deem summer over....


William Shatner (The SHAT, as I like to call him) and Zakk Wylde collaborated on a cover of Black Sabbath's "Iron Man." It is...


We recently put up the video to Kittie's Empires (Part 2), and not a lot of you were digging it. So far, the video...


Geo·dissonance: the metal movement is proliferating to all corners of the globe. In its relentless display of vitriolic truths and the ugliest questions of...

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While in the process of reviewing this album, I had a bit of a debate with a good friend of mine about Trivium. He...

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Metal Injection sent roving reporter Chloe Scannapieco to Sonisphere UK last weekend, and she came back full of great memories of seeing Metallica, Slayer,...

A View From Behind The Drumkit

A View From Behind The Drumkit is a weekly column written by Darkest Hour drummer Ryan Parrish. Follow along as he scribes down some...

It's Just Business

Mutiny Within were living the dream, or so we thought. The band got picked up by Roadrunner, were signed and then placed on a...


In a country that boasts of our first amendment, we've taken our liberties to speak, shred, and blast beat out – in the name...