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It's come down to this, a back and forth on what really happened, last Friday, July 6th at Webster Hall when founding Cro-Mags bassist...

Tour Dates

This is quite the healthy tour package for modern hard rock fans. Rob Zombie and Marilyn Manson have announced they are teaming up for...

Video Games

Trent Reznor is living the nerd dream. Sure, he's one of the coolest motherfuckers on the planet, but the dude is ultimately a nerd...

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You might have missed this over the weekend, but at a Cro-Mags show this past Friday at Webster Hall, founding (and former) Cro-Mags bassist...


With the brand of clean, technical death metal that Nile helped to pioneer on the ascent these days, this South Carolina quartet could have...

Upcoming Releases

Not a huge week for metal, but certainly an interesting one. So come in, stay awhile, watch as I contemplate the "Roadrunner Effect" on...


Wes Borland fancies himself some noise. The eccentric Limp Bizkit guitarist has been namechecking some pretty "hip" bands, including doing cover art for a Landmine...

Show Recap

My legs are really sore. That's the first thing I could think of when putting together this post. I spent the weekend in a...


…and man, does it sound crushing! Nile do not fuck around, they never did and aren't about to start to fuck around now. This...

Upcoming Releases

The Locust fucking get it. They always got it. They are, in my humble opinion, very underrated. Their use of synth creating new types...


Finally: a Fear Factory record that can be regarded without the context of high drama hanging over its release. Burton C. Bell and Dino...

Tour Dates

What do you get when you transform a festival ground with a few stages, invite Shinedown, Godsmack, Staind, Papa Roach, Adelitas Way, P.O.D., Deuce,...

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Well, this blows. The Worcester Palladium may be one of the most charming places to see a metal show, and every year thousands flock...


Unlike other old school Swedish death metal bands like Entombed and In Flames, who have frequently tweaked their musical formula in order to evolve...

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Sean is really bummed. His favorite band, Norma Jean (to be fair, second favorite now that Josh Scogin has The Chariot) have announced that after a...

Fuck Yes!

Do you enjoy consuming tasty barbecue? How about swimming on a hot summer's day? Do you find competitive sport and live music entertaining? If you...

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Animals As Leaders strike me as one of the least violent metal bands out there. Which is why I was so shocked to hear...

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For those of you who are huge Zakk Wylde fans and are awaiting a new album, I have some not-so-pleasant news. With a loaded...

Tour Dates

First off, I just want to point out that all our metal head lads from across the pond seem to get way cooler tours...


Dopesmoker was never gonna fly; not as an album title, not on a major label. It was actually the least of the band's worries....


Geo·dissonance: the metal movement is proliferating to all corners of the globe. In its relentless display of vitriolic truths and the ugliest questions of...

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The metal community was in shock when it was reported that Opeth frontman Mikael Åkerfeldt might have been in a car accident. Turns out he wasn't. He...

Upcoming Releases

GWAR have just completed a massive amount of touring, as documented by our "Eye of Oderus" video series, all in tribute to their fallen...