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A few hot reissues coming down the pipeline.


Originally released in 2003, The Beyond has always stood out in Cult of Luna’s discography as the most direct and immediate of their recordings.


Mammoth Grinder unleash a whole lot of fury and insanity in their fourth LP, Cosmic Crypt

Scene Report

Here are eight awesome bands from France you should be listening to


So, what's the deal with Norway and metal anyway? How does a country with a total population equalling that of Los Angeles produce so...


Pepper Keenan talks Corrosion of Conformity's new album, which is 100% bulls**t free.


2018 has so much awesome stuff coming out it's kind of ridiculous.

Upcoming Releases

Mike Scheidt is doing well and a new album is on the way.

Tech-Death Tuesday

Hey there tech fiends, it's that time of the week again. Before we dive into today's focus, here's the usual reminder that if you're...

Latest News

"Last thing, friends – stay rational and reasonable and think carefully before you speak… and caste a stone at innocent people."

Upcoming Releases

Hypocrisy's Peter Tägtgren produced


Infernal Overdrive accomplishes exactly what it sets out to do: offer a textbook classic heavy metal vibe with glimpses of offshoot techniques throughout.

Oh, Danzig

A limited number of special shows here in the US & Europe have been promised.

Funeral Doom Friday

2018 promises some exciting new funeral doom---including new music from Mournful Congregation this March.