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Latest News

Cancer sucks! Unfortunately, the U.S. medical system is an expensive one to the point that GoFundMe has become a defacto insurance plan for many...

Weekly Injection

This edition includes lots of prog, some fuzzy weirdness, and more! To the metals...

New Music

Bring on the stoner rock riffs!


Skeletonwitch begins a brand new era with a proper introduction.

Weekly Injection

This edition includes epicness, sludginess, Dee Sniderness, and moreness! To the metals...ness

Music Videos

Plus a tour with Black Tusk and Whores.

Funeral Doom Friday

The Russian solo endeavor returns with another example of gothic death doom.

Weekly Injection

This edition contains technical madness, anime metal jams, a salty supergroup, and more! To the metals...

Weekly Injection

This edition features the conclusions to some stories, lots of technical guitar-frettery, something that keeps sending my cats into a rage, and more! To...

Shocking Revelations

In case you're wondering, a new System of a Down album is just not going to happen.

Latest News

Why must they keep playing with our emotions like this?!

Weekly Injection

Apparently the release day nearest Fourth of July is kinda quiet. Oh well. This edition includes live symphonic metal, country covers, blackened legends, and...

New Music

Featuring Omination, The Valley, Stoker, Mad God, Corax, and a bunch of other stuff you haven't heard yet.