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In today's A/V roundup, we have two live audio files from a recent Gojira live show, a video of Zakk Wylde and Slash jamming,...

Tour Dates

It isn't even 2013 yet, and already, we have a tour of the year contended for next year. Just announced: Gojira, with their promised...


A loaded A/V roundup today. We got a new trailer for Nergal's autobiography, a Gojira lyric video, new music from Early Graves and Ensiferum...


Gojira absolutely destroyed New York City with two stops on their mini-tour. We went to both shows, but seriously, we could've went and seen...


Check out this spastic good time above, it's the new track from New York's Car Bomb. It's guaranteed to give you more jolts than...

Latest News

Randy Blythe was freed from a Czech prison earlier this morning. Blythe hasn't even landed in the States yet, but there is already news...

Tour Dates

They weren't done yet! Yesterday, we told you the French metal band was planning a route to make their way to Heavy MTL and...

Tour Dates

It was a huge bummer when the organizers of the Lamb of God, Dethklok, Gojira tour announced they had to cancel due to Randy...

Bummer Alert

We were worried this was going to happen when Randy Blythe's bail was challenged yesterday and now the shoe has dropped officially, representatives from...


Holy crap! Tomorrow's America's birthday. We won't be doing much (if any) posting tomorrow, so we wanted to make sure to hit you up...


It's hard, but we are going to try to return to business as usual after today's events, but let's attempt to. Last weekend was...


Holy moly, do we have a MASSIVE A/V Roundup for you today. We've got live clips from Gojira, Obscura, and the Profound Lore Records...


Stream the album in full at themusic.com.au If you had asked me several years ago if I ever thought a band like France’s Gojira...


Gojira's L'enfant Sauvage is on track to being my album of the year. Well, either that or Koloss by Meshuggah. But god damn, do these...

Fuck Yes!

Wowowowowowow! In a late Friday awesome news break, both Lambgoat and ThePRP are reporting that Lamb of God have cemented their summer touring plans...


It's finally here! The first taste of Gojira's Roadrunner debut, L’Enfant Sauvage. The title track was just posted on Pitchfork. Yes! Yes! Yes!!! What...


If you checked out the site yesterday, you would have noticed Gojira was coming out with a concert film called The Flesh Alive. The...

Upcoming Releases

European Gojira fan boys, listen up! Gojira will release a new DVD/Blu-ray, The Flesh Alive, in Europe on June 4 via Mascot The three-disc...


Update: Youtube link removed, stream the sample over at Amazon.com NEW GOJIRA! NEW GOJIRA! NEW GOJIRA! NEW GOJIRA! NEW GOJIRA! NEW GOJIRA! It's coming....

Fuck Yes!

Yessssss!!!! Today is already a good day, because we have news of new Gojira music! The band has just announced on their official website...

Upcoming Releases

While we wait for new Gojira music, we are being teased, people! Teased with reissues of old, never before heard Gojira music. This is...

Latest News

My brah Axl Rosenberg schlepped all the way to Long Island City to chat with Joe and Mario Duplantier, the masterminds behind Gojira, in...

Latest News

A few days ago, we reported that the studio where Gojira is recording their new album pretty much gave away that the band had signed...