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Music Videos

They're also on tour with The Crown, Svart Crown and Bleeding Gods.

Fuck Yes!

Have they not heard of going out to the car?

Black Friday

The Québécois group is releasing their second album later this month. Listen to a new track from the album and read an in-depth interview...


Welcome to Throwback Thursday! This is the place where we get to indulge in nostalgia and wax poetic about excellent metal of years past. For...


The metalcore legends pay tribute to guitarist Tom Searle on their most visceral album yet...

Weekly Injection

This edition is one very much for me. Lots of prog from both studio and stage, dumb comedy rock, and more! To the metals...

Tour Dates

Featuring members of Iron Reagan and The Black Dahlia Murder.

Bummer Alert

Bill's last words before being stretchered out were "You f***ers should have caught me."

Metal Science

Metal is a "complex, inclusive and global community that now encompasses several generations."


Wasteland proves that while guitarist Piotr Grudziński’s passing indefinitely changed their dynamic, Riverside certainly has a second life as an empowered trio.

New Music

Death metal legends Pyrexia are releasing their fifth full length album Unholy Requiem this Friday, Sept. 14th on Unique Leader Records and we're pretty pumped...


Suspended in Reflections is more of a singular experience than a collection of songs, and its ability to bond heavy and light personas seamlessly...

Song Premiere

You may remember France's P.H.O.B.O.S. from their split with Blut Aus Nord in 2014, called Triunity. The Paris trio shares some commonalities with their split partner's later discography...

Funeral Doom Friday

Finally, the weekend is upon us. What better way to kick it off than with the latest installment of "Funeral Doom Friday". For those...


We wish we were half as cool as Inge when we reach our 90s.

The Obituarist

Hello boys and ghouls! Trevor Strnad AKA The Obituarist here at Metal Injection reporting for death metal duty! I am currently hungover in a...


As I write this it’s mid May and daylight will be cutting through the curtains in a few hours. The light is staying longer...