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Fall Out Boy's drummer is really good. What the fuck?

Music Videos

In the event you wanted to punch someone this morning, here's your catharsis (or soundtrack).

The Obituarist

Hey dudes, I’ve got one hell of a column for you all, combing the annals of the underground the world over for more sick...


Today's Tech-Death Tuesday focuses on Connecticut based band Formless, who finally return with their long awaited and unfortunately delayed debut, Eon. A full early...


BoneHawk are very close to being the real deal, they just miss a bit too frequently for this album to come off as anything...

Metal Science

Though we're not sure seeing Magrudergrind and Pig Destroyer was specifically studied in this case.

Upcoming Releases

Only five months away!


After much wait, Anthrax is giving us a taste of what their new album will sound like, out early 2016.


From rock and doom to insane grindcore and serious bummer jams, we've got a great selection in here!

Open Metacast

Browsing through Wikipedia for subjects for titles for the show I stumbled upon something I didn't know (isn't that always the case with Wikipedia?)...

RIP a Livecast

We kicked this week's show off with some talk of Disturbed's David D Rainman leaving Twitter. Sid, The Decider, started discussing art, profit and...


Where Cloud Rat have really come to excel is exactly how they approach their songwriting. There are plenty of surprises and small twists to...

Metal Crimes

The German thrash legends are having a rough time in Mexico.

The Hook Up

Each winner will get two tickets to a show in their hometown.


Some great riffage from Andreas.

Question of the Day

Metal Injection is excited to present the 30th anniversary tour of Dave Grohl's favorite Brazilian band, Sepultura. The band is celebrating with a killer...


Being in a band isn’t easy. Being in a crazy ol’ heavy metal band is even more difficult. It’s like a marriage, but with...

Upcoming Releases

You can't have one of the band's early lineup though.


Taken By the Sun hasn't been the most active band when it comes to productivity. After a five song demo EP in 2013 the...


There is one constant in all of Slayer's albums… Tom Araya's consistent vocal delivery.


COGNIZANCE, have released their latest EP titled _INCEPTUM today along with a behind the scenes look documentary of the entire recording process streamed courtesy...