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I discovered Exist about a year ago when they released their So True, So Bound LP. I was so blown away by the experimental...


Avant garde death metal from the crypt, this is some truly fucked up music.

Tour Dates

Strawberry Girls and Cryptodira will be there too.

Best of 2018

How is 2018 almost over? Time flies when you're having fun/appalled by the state of the world and see no hope for the future...

Best of 2018

Holy shit, it's the end of the year already. Where did it go? What even came out this year? There are a couple reasons...


Shavo seems confident we'll hear new System of A Down music.

Tour Dates

It's a 25th anniversary celebration!

Latest News

This will be conducted at a separate ceremony than the traditional GRAMMYs.

Tour Dates

Plus Monolord on the closing date

Upcoming Releases

From their show show at Lido Berlin on October 14, 2017.

Live Footage

Originally by Marcin Przybyłowicz & Mikolai Stroinski.

Latest News

Newly released court documents help further explain why firefighters had such a hard time putting out the blaze at the home of Cannibal Corpse...

RIP a Livecast

We kicked things off talking about Dave Mustaine's quest for new Grammy categories. We discuss breaking news about Cannibal Corpse guitarist Pat O'Brien's ongoing...

Best of 2018

Hey there Tech-fiends, it's that time of the week again. I thought I'd do a year-end feature similar to how I ended my 2017...

Best of 2018

Let your voice be heard.

Celebrity Metalheads

Fred Armisen may have not been a death metal fan before that show, but he sure as hell might be one now.

Gear Gods

"The gayageum that I play is an ancient, traditional Korean instrument made for the purpose of playing traditional Korean music."