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Shocking Revelations

It's because John Carpenter murdered their old frontman. True story, maybe.

Celebrity Metalheads

Forest Whitaker is an Academy Award winner and starred in such notable films as Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, Arrival, Platoon, and The Last King of...

Upcoming Releases

We've been waiting eight years for new Rammstein, and it's almost here!

Tour Dates

Southern California, Danzig is coming for you!


Fen's Winter will make you pine for those colder months.

Caption Contest

First thing's first: Last week's winner! Congratulations to TreyP who had the best zinger: "It's 2017, you can identify as anything you want, even...

Funeral Doom Friday

It’s the weekend! Is there a better way to start it than with the latest installment of “Funeral Doom Friday?" This weekly column looks...

Tour Dates

A total of five North American dates have been confirmed.

New Music

This Agalloch worshipping black metal promises to be one of our favorite debuts of the year


Anthrax revisits their latest masterpiece with a collectible 7" set befitting its stature

Metal Crimes

This all happened in 2016, and the dude is suing a lot of people. Is it justified? Maybe.

Tour Dates

There were rumors circulating a few weeks back that Korn would be touring with Rammstein this summer. We were confused at the time, because...

Weekly Injection

This edition includes quite a few supergroups, a metalman goin' country, and more! To the metals…

It's Just Business

Brace yourselves, Tool is reportedly in talks to finally make their entire musical catalog available on streaming services ahead of their upcoming fifth studio...

Live Footage

Shocker – Gojira is really fucking good live still, and covers pretty much its whole discography in this one.

Full Album Stream

It's as groovy as you think, but you weren't expecting it.

The Thinking Man

Greetings Prog Dogs (no one calls you that)! In my last entry into the Thinking Man's Thursday series, I discussed the band Hemina and...

Dank Slams

Let's take this shit waaaaay back. Back to the first-ever installment of this skanky-assed dankness of a column. The day was July 21st, 2016,...