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We haven't been the only ones following this Randy Blythe story. Although the mainstream media has been avoiding it for the most part, all...

Latest News

We're back at our computers ready to report on all the latest breaking news in this case of Lamb of God frontman Randy Blythe...

Upcoming Releases

I am really excited for Baroness' upcoming double album, Yellow & Green, out July 17th on Relapse. It's been forever since we've heard new...

Upcoming Releases

ISIS may be on permanent hiatus, but that doesn't mean they can't squeeze a few more releases out of their system. Drummer Aaron Harris...


Here is the newest teaser for Lamb of God's upcoming new album, Resolution, due out January 24th here in the States. I am incredibly...

Tour Dates

When we interviewed Machine Head frontman Rob Flynn last month, one topic of conversation was when fans can finally expect a new headlining tour,...


Lou Reed and Metallica are being very coy and selective when it comes to releasing new music from their highly-anticipated disaster, Lulu, but today...

Latest News

Yes, the headline is real! That is the equivalent of saying Trent Reznor to sit out Nine Inch Nails tour or Axl Rose to...

Upcoming Releases

We know Mastodon has been writing an album for some time now and that Dave Grohl is not going to be on the record....


We got really excited when it was announced last week that Cannibal Corpse guitarist Pat O'brien would be filling in for the injured Jeff...

Latest News

We already know that our favorite boneheaded duo, Beavis & Butthead are confirmed to be returning this Summer with all new first-run episodes on...

Tour Dates

Yesterday, we broke the news about this year's edition of the very epic Scion Rock Fest and today more official details have surface. As...

Tour Dates

The original Scion Rock Fest was an absolutely killer event that I will never forget and it looks like this year's third iteration of...

Upcoming Releases

Ronnie James Dio may be gone, but he will never be forgotten. The man was a legend, and now fans can get excited about...


Attention fans of technical progressive metal, a new track from The Human Abstract is now available. The track is titled "Faust" off their upcoming...

Show Recap

Last night, I headed out to Union Pool to check out the two Brent Hinds (Mastodon) side projects. I arrived a little after doors...

Tour Dates

Ozzy and Slash are looking to have a busy first quarter of 2011. Dates are cropping up on Ticketmaster pitting the two rock gods...

Upcoming Releases

We learned a few weeks back that Meshuggah guitarist is actively recording a new solo record and now more details have surfaced. We already...


"Nightmare", the first single from Avenged Sevenfold's new album has been released and can be heard above. While, personally, I was never huge on...


I know there are junkies on the site that are Korn fans, so I feel it's my duty to let you know new samples...


A few weeks ago, we reported that not only does TRIVIUM have a new drummer, but they recently recorded two new tracks. One of...


On Christmas Day, THE DILLINGER ESCAPE PLAN premiered the first single off their upcoming album, Option: Paralysis on Sirius/XM's Liquid Metal. One (awesome) fan...


So, this awesome "supergroup" THEM CROOKED VULTURES formed featuring vocalist and guitarist Josh Homme (Queens of the Stone Age), Led Zeppelin bassist and keyboardist...