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Here's James Hetfield and M. Shadows Auditioning to Be Zombies In The New Call of Duty Game

James Hetfield may have a career as a zombie extra if this whole Metallica thing doesn't work out.

James Hetfield may have a career as a zombie extra if this whole Metallica thing doesn't work out. Call of Duty  put up this fun viral video of "celebrities" auditioning to be zombies in the new game. I put celebrities in quote because James and M. Shadows are the only two I recognize here. The video is for a good cause though, as Omaze is holding a raffle for you to be a zombie in the new game, with ever $1,000 raised going towards giving a veteran a new job. A noble cause if there ever was one.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 is out November 6th.

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