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CATTLE DECAPITATION Post Very NSFW New Video for “Clandestine Ways (Krokodil Rot)”

CATTLE DECAPITATION Post Very NSFW New Video for “Clandestine Ways (Krokodil Rot)”

Cattle Decapitation have once again teamed up with director Mitch Massie, the same guy who grossed us out with "Forced Gender Reassignment." This song offers commentary on animal testing for cosmetic research, but the tables are flipped and now it's the humans being tested on. Vocalist Travis Ryan explains to Bloody Disgusting, who premiered the video:

Mitch Massie once again hurls us into a nightmarish world of the eye-for-an-eye table turning that Cattle Decapitation lyrics exude, but this time in a much more surreal manner. Here we see the circus has come to town and with it a grisly ‘freaks’ exhibit featuring the barbaric aftermath of what the protagonists (the ‘Ringmaster’ and a freed ‘specimen’) have done to the leading researchers at Cosmeugenics Laboratories – a place where Cosmetics testing is performed on earthen creatures all in the name of Human vanity – but this time by completely incorrectly administering the clandestine, flesh-eating drug ‘krokodil’. I’ll leave out the horrific details as you’ll have to see that for yourself!

Cattle Decapitation's new album, The Anthropocene Extinction, is out now via Metal Blade Records.

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Cattle Decapitation has a lot of great material, in case you forgot.


Shout out to photographer Rae Chatten.