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DARK TRANQUILLITY Has Finished Recording Their New Album

Hopefully out in 2024?


Dark Tranquillity has wrapped up recording sessions for their first new record since Moment in 2020. Dark Tranquillity vocalist Mikael Stanne unveiled the good news on Instagram, saying the next step is ship everything off to Jens Borgren (Opeth, Amon Amarth) for mixing and mastering.

"Last line recorded! Damn, this feels so fantastic!" wrote Dark Tranquillity. "It's been a long and incredibly rewarding writing and recording process that is now nearing its end. The songs have taken on a life of their own since the first barebones demos a year or so ago and we have truly poured our hearts and minds into this one. Now we ship it off to master Jens Bogren for final mix and master. This year is looking very exciting indeed and we believe you will get a kick out of what we have put together for you. Cheers!"

Bogren handled the mix and master of the past three Dark Tranquillity records – Moment, Atoma in 2016, and Construct in 2013 – so it's probably safe to assume this too will sound great.

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