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ARSIS Is Recording! ARSIS Is Recording!

There aren't too many death metal bands that excite me anymore, to be completely honest with you, but Arsis is one of the few whose releases I look forward to. News has popped up online, via The Gauntlet, that the band has entered the studio to work on their fifth album. The new album, which doesn't have a name yet, should be released sometime during the fall of this year. The record is being tracked at Audiohammer Studios in Florida with Mark Lewis, who has produced Deicide, The Black Dahlia Murder, and Six Feet Under among others.

"I am so pleased with the way this album is coming together,” commented founding guitarist and vocalist James Malone. “I know we all have put ourselves into this recording and I am sure this will be reflected in the end product. Noah and I did more pre-production for the album than any other Arsis recording, Now, I just have to remember all the parts I tracked for the demos."

Bassist Noah Martin added: "Shawn's in the thick of tracking drums right now. We lost a little bit of time because of a tropical storm but wasn't too detracting. The album art is in the works as well as attaining the rights for the bonus track. If all goes as planned we'll have an seriously-fucking-filthy album to show for the past few months of effort."

Shawn Priest continued: "Seven songs down, and four to go. The drums sound amazing raw, so I can't even imagine how they will sound after Mark impregnates them with his producer juice."

We'll keep you updated as album artwork and more information, like the name of the album, are released. Maybe I can start getting the press releases for Nuclear Blast, and it will make it easier for everyone. Are you ready for some more Arsis?

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