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New Music

The band is also based in Lebanon, which isn't super friendly to metal bands.

Music Videos

Prepare to feel at least a little downtrodden after this one.

Tour Dates

Exodus and Municipal Waste are teaming up for a pretty killer North American tour, which is being sponsored by the [adult swim] show Mr....

Upcoming Releases

All I'm saying is we've waited this long, we can wait another year! 


Megadeth drummer Dirk Verbeuren wrote and recorded a completely original song only on the drums using Toontrack's Superior Drummer 3, and we invited you to record your...

Metal Crimes

Nergal vs. Polish government – round 2.


"So, a lot of the punk stuff, I loved the attitude, but I didn't feel a kinship with it in terms of the musicality...

New Music

We've posted two songs from Vexes already, the new band featuring ex-A Life Once Lost bassist Bobby Carpenter and drummer Justin Graves joining vocalist/guitarist...

Core Breakdown

New York hardcore act Jukai got a new promo worth checking out

Shocking Revelations

Hopefully this is a wake up call for Wes.

RIP a Livecast

Rivers of Nihil vocalist Jake Dieffenbach and bassist Adam Biggs sit in during the second hour of this special edition of the Livecast.  We...

Tech-Death Tuesday

Hey there tech fiends, it's that time of the week again. Before we dive into today's focus, here's the usual reminder that if you're...


Congrats! Welcome to 2018. It's a new year and a popular time to reflect on every poor, late-night decision to eat away the drunk munchies. Now,...


Avatar's Johannes Eckerström talks Avatar Country, their glorious benevolent ruler and the band's 'world's fair'

New Music

The song does a good job of being catchy and having a memorable-enough hook that by the third time it came around, I caught...

Upcoming Releases

"We are gonna be finished imminently. I'd say in the next several weeks we will be done with this record."

Latest News

"We went out on a high, and it's best not to drag it out."